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Why Solvent Waste Collection is the Key to Streamlined Operations

Solvent Waste Collection

Sharan Cooper |

When you’re working with any amount of solvent, disposing of it properly can slow down operations if you don’t have a waste collection solution in place. As paint shop specialists, we recognise the importance of helping you to get rid of hazardous waste and have developed a Solvent Waste Collection service as part of Total Paint Shop Support, in partnership with Chloros Environmental.

Chloros is one of the UK’s fastest-growing growing hazardous waste management and waste recycling companies, with a skilled team of professional chemists and technical specialists to ensure correct solvent waste disposal procedures are in operation at all times.

Why Solvents Matter in the Paint Shop

While there are many paints that promise they are the only product needed, the fact is that it is solvents which can help paints to fulfil all the roles in your paint shop.

While solvents are volatile and hazardous substances, it is this level of change within the substance that can help to impact the consistency of paints in whichever way that will be most useful in application.

Accelerated Drying

Solvents can be within the paint application environment to cut production times. Depending on the solvent that is used and its evaporation rate, adding solvent to paint products will lead to faster drying times for the paint process.

Used in the application of both paints and coatings, it is often solvents that drives the process and makes it streamlined and effective.

In fact, in many types of industrial painting, solvents enhance the overall finish of the paint process as they ensure that the paint is lump-free. In addition, solvents can make the finished painted surface more robust and durable, allowing easy cleaning and future restoration.

The Wash Up

As well as supporting the application of the paints and coatings, solvents play an important part in the clean-up process. Helping to strip the paints from the brushes once painting is complete, solvents are key in reaching the parts of spray guns and painting equipment that are extremely hard to access by brush or other cleaning tools. When you reach the point when the paint has been applied and the equipment stripped free of any residual paint, it’s time to consider the very important and next step - solvent waste disposal.

Hazardous Waste Collection – An Essential Part of the Process

Maintaining a streamlined paint shop requires a steady flow of paint products coming in through the door. In order to keep a tidy and manageable workplace, a good paint shop also needs used solvents and hazardous waste to be dealt with – and quickly.

At Ultrimax, we know that getting rid of waste, such as solvents, is not only critical to your work environment but it is part of meeting rigorous IPPC standards and ensuring that your operations stay environmentally-sound and sustainable.

Working with you to understand the levels of service that you require, Chloros will arrange hazardous waste collections which mean that you paint shop will be clear of used solvents according to regulations.

Number crunching

Our waste removal service has been designed to target zero emissions as we want our clients to know that they can count on the correct process and procedures being in place. What we’ve also worked hard to ensure is that our solvent waste collection is affordable and accessible.

We tailor our services to meet your precise needs. We work with businesses of all sizes and across all sectors. We can guarantee that your hazardous substances will not only be collected by our waste experts, but your waste will be either recycled or disposed of as appropriate.

We will collect, transport and dispose of or treat all your solvent waste and document the process carried out for your records, making sure that you have a digital paper trail that shows your hazardous substances have been properly treated.

How to dispose of solvent waste with Ultrimax and Chloros

Working with businesses that use paints and solvents, we often find that they are up to speed with the correct procedure for disposal of solvent waste. However, our expert team are on hand to help you if you find yourself unsure of the regulations when you change a product or a process.

Not all paints and solvents might be classified as Always Hazardous, although it is best practice to dispose of all chemicals properly. Even though certain solvents might not be classed as Always Hazardous, they may present a fire risk and require correct disposal. Our team will take you through the process of how to store waste solvents safely in preparation for collection and correct disposal by our team.

With a clear understanding of Hazardous Waste Regulations, our team will work with you to understand your waste products and we will take you through the process for each collection. Once onboarded, every collection will be a simple matter of scheduling and then watching your solvent waste be safely and securely removed for disposal.

Click here to find out more and to request a quote.

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